Amy Stoffel is moving but some of her lovely kits aren’t going with to the new store and you can get a great deal on a pile (all) of her fantastic kits!
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
theStudio NDC: Week 2 Freebies
Congrats to me I made it through to week 2, but unfortunately because I chose to spend the weekend cleaning out and moving things around I ran out of time to get my entry done and in on time. (Missed it by about 30 minutes!)
I was so mad at myself you can’t even imagine, still mad to tell you the truth. Especially since no one around here seemed to appreciate anything I’d done. Granted it was long over due but….
Anyway, I digress, everything happens for a reason, right? So since I had made the kit for the competition, I couldn’t very well not share my work. The theme was summer afternoon and we could pick our own palette too!
I was totally inspired by the feel and the palette of the land my inlaws have farmed for many many years and what a wonderful time we had the summer I took this photo, coincidentally it was the summer we got married too.
Here’s the kit: **Wait a second, there is a problem with the flowers in this kit, they were sold as CU but in fact are not, I’m working on changing them right now, please check back this afternoon for the edited kit**
And I also have an Add-On of extra papers: Click on image for download
And just in case you didn’t get
last week’s entry here it is one more time. Click on image for download
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
theStudio NDC: Week 1 Freebie
Squeeeeee!!! I’m so excited!!! It’s week one of theStudio Next Designer Contest and I got my entry in on time and I think (?) I may have done it right!! As in, hopefully I didn’t miscount my elements or anything.
Our assignment for the first week was an interesting color palette of pastels, blues, pinks, purples and gray. And the theme “Daybreak”. We could name it whatever but we were to try to stay in the theme of daybreak. (I sooo have a Barry Manilow song stuck in my head, and an odd mental imagine of him jazz handing and high kicking down a glittery stage lit set of stairs.)
I thought about “Morning Has Broken” but that wasn’t really the inspiration I needed either, then it hit me…. a little bit of an old Folger’s commerical, then the music started… cue Jimmy Durant….. a little “Sleepless in Seattle” moment hit me.
bum bum… bum bumbum bum…. bum bum… bum bumbum bum…. {Make Someone Happy intro, then fade into Carly Simon}… in the wee small hours of the morning, when the rest of the world is fast asleep…
Whirl them all up in a blender that is my brain and you get…..
“Wee Small Hours” my entry into this week’s competition. And this kit is FREE!!! Yep, yep, yep!
But I’d like to ask a favor… would you please go to my gallery at theStudio to get the download links, just so I can get a few more views on my gallery, ya know, make it look like someone would be interested in buying my stuff…. someday…. please?
MY GALLERY at theStudio LINK there are three different download locations in the gallery so if 4shared is running too slow you have options to get it from the other two. It’s the same download at all three though. Just do you don’t think I split it into three download, cause I didn’t. ;)
Oh and I scrapped with it too!!
I really hope you enjoy the kit! Hope I make it through the elimination to go on to next round too! "{fingers crossed}
Thank you for stopping by!! Feel free to leave comments here or at theStudio!! Thank you again!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Calgon, take me away!!! And a hybrid Freebie alert!!!
It’s been a crazy crazy summer! Normally our summers are pretty quiet, but these last few weeks have been crazy!! We had a great visit with my Dear MIL. And I can’t wait for school to start to get a little tiny routine back in our day.
I think this layout sums up how I’m feeling lately! I’d love a vacation but it’s just not gonna happen, well not like I’d like it.
Here’s what’s in it…
Paradise Found by One Little Bird
Janie & June by One Little Bird
Smartmouth by One Little Bird
Construction Zone by Kristin Aagard
Storytime Collab by Kristin Aagard
Splish Splash by Kristin Aagard
Backyard Adventures by Kristin Aagard
Tropical Paradise by Kristin Aagard
After 5 Designers Collab - Paradise Found
Coral Reef by DigiJunkie
Mom's Helper by Amy Stoffel
Font: Fineliner Script (wow, that’s a lot of stuff!)
Oh, I wanted to share with you the latest Hybrid Challenge at Zig Zag Scraps by yours truly.
Want a closer look at what you can make?
And the second one I made… well I have thing for Bargello Quilts, if I thought I could keep up with the huge number of fabrics in a real Bargello Quilt, I’d soooo do it! Here’s one I’d Love Love to make, but I’m not a fan of these particular fabric colors.
So here’s my version, no sewing required.
Okay I’m going to get going, I’ll be back soon it’s getting late with more layouts and hybrids I’ve done in the last month or 12. I wanna show you more but I want to make sure that my credits are right. The above layouts are linked up so you can see which fabulous Zig Zag Designer products I’ve used.
See ya soon!!
Monday, July 25, 2011
More Birthday Fun at Zig Zag Scraps!!
Friday, July 22, 2011
Happy Birthday Zig Zag Scrap!!
I can’t begin to tell you how excited I am about Zig Zag Scrap’s Birthday Bash this weekend! (I guess I kinda just did though didn’t I? haha!)
The Grab Bags the marvelous designers at ZZS have come up with are stellar, to say the least!
It all starts Saturday!!
Because I can’t wait, here’s a taste of what’s coming…
From DigiJunkie’s Grab Bag & Birthday Boy
From T for Me’s Grab Bag (template and mini kit)
From Studio 68’s template Grab Bag and Pink Reptile Design’s Grab Bag
More from Pink Reptile Design’s Grab Bag
More from Studio 68’s template Grab Bag and T for Me’s new collab.
And did I mention the Hybrid Challenge at ZZS? I’m hosting again this month! In honor of this month’s National Ice Cream Day I created a card template (or two) shaped like a nummy ice cream cone.
Here’s what you’ll get in the download:
So please come join us for the fun this weekend and snatch up some of these gorgeous and super low priced grab bags and join in on the fun!
Thank you for stopping by, see you again soon!
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
New Facebook Freebie
The lovely designers at Zig Zag Scraps have posted a new freebie on their Facebook fan page.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
What I’ve been up to lately….
First it seems I’ve been on a beachy kit buying spree lately! Which makes no sense living in Minnesota, and have really only been to the beach once in my life, that I really remember, so I guess I’m just wishful thinking, hee-hee. But I bet these will be great for all the aquarium visiting pix and Hub’s SCUBA diving days.
(In this group of beachy stuff I don’t CT for any of these designers I just have to show you this awesomeness! Cause it’s not so much about who we CT for as it is about the memories we are keeping, right?)
It kinda started on iNSD (Inter National Scrapbook Day) in May when I found “Paradise Found” by One Little Bird. I love her shadows tutorial, which if you haven’t checked out is pretty fantastic and worth a peek. I was so inspired I made my own styles in CS! Here’s a pretty straight forward link if you’re interested in making your own too.
(I know it’s not a great preview of the kit, but I can’t get it from her store, this is the preview I got with the kit.)z
Isn’t that way the greatest? That’s the single biggest reason I bought the kit, I couldn’t get that fantastic wave out of my head, it’s sooo gonna be a siggie soon!
And as you can tell from my blog decorations, I am a HUGE Kristin Aagard fan (huge I tell ya!) and she has the stinkin’ cutest little “shots”…
That of course coordinates with the After Five Designer’s Collab “Paradise Found”.
Which is similar is theme with last’s month’s A5D collab “Little Traveler” which isn’t available anymore but you can buy it in shots from the designers. See, like Kristin Aagard’s,
And Kay Miller:
And this one is on a super sale today only at The Studio, “Beach Wave” by Julie C Designs.
Only $1.49 today!!
Or even better (and you’ll like this) the Bundle only $3.29 today!! {Swoon!} I had to pick it up, love the alpha!!!
And last but not least one of my top 5 favorite designers, Lliella, “Aloha”.
A-doooorr-able!!!! (insert Joanne Whorley voice here)
How can I forget this one? Kay Miller and Flergs collab “By the Sea”.
Who are my top five designers? Well first off let me say I love my CT Designers and they are fantastic ladies and do fantastic work, but outside of my CT duties, who are my favorites? Who’s kits will I buy pretty much regardless of what they are?….
In no particular order:
I found a new designer who had me hooked from her first preview, from that preview I begged to be on her CT, I mean come on, Pink and Dragons?!?! Oh my Pinkness, here is A Little Love Designs and her “Pink Dragon” kit.
And fantastic accompanying alpha:
I used both in this layout:
Oh and guess what, she has a new freebie!!! And it’s CU ok!!
So run over to her blog, sign up for the newsletter, grab a freebie, then run over to the store and get the kits. Come on, you know you want to! And wait till you see what she’s got coming, oh my, fantastic stuff, she’s a designer you’re going to want to keep an eye on.
And WendyBird Designs has a fantastic “Small Popcorn Box” this month for the hybrid challenge at Brownie Scraps.
I’ll have mine up soon, school gets out (finally!) this week so hopefully I can get caught up. :)
And finally I wanted to show you the hybrid template I came up with for Zig Zag Scraps hybrid challenge this, ya really I made the template!
Come on over to Zig Zag Scraps and join us in the challenge, we’ve got some fantastic entries so far, but I’d love to see yours!
Ok, I’m gonna stop for now, I have ton more things to tell you, but I’m pace myself and not overwhelm you with the goodies. ;) Oh and I have Sweet Shoppe portfolio layouts to show you!!
See you again soon!! Psst… Amy Stoffel has an super (as always) kit coming out tomorrow you’re gonna want to see!
Monday, February 21, 2011
Making decisions sucks!
Had to make a decision yesterday (Sunday) that will probably cost me in regards to my Digi-Scrapland friendships and future opportunities. If you're one of those people and are unfriending me on Facebook or unfollowing me on Twitter because of it, don't worry (not that you were) I understand and thank you for the time I had you as a friend.
I've probably burned at least one bridge because of my decision, if not more. I'm not proud of that. I feel really bad but I think that bridge has been smoldering for sometime, should have read the smoke signals earlier. Ripping it off like a bandaid and separating myself was the only way it could think to do it. I've got to put my family first and I've only been putting off the decision for some time now. I finally hit the tipping point I guess.
I took some time to step back and reassess and then reassessed again and my boys and Hubs keep coming up with the short end of the stick, not to mention the lovely lady I was working with. So I had to make a choice, and I think it's for the best, my hybrids were crap and always have been. Confidence can only get you so far, you actually have to make something somebody wants. So I'll get some sleep (I hope) and start again tomorrow and see where the path I'm on now takes me.
I know I took the coward's way out but it was time for me to leave, I'd worn out my welcome and didn't feel the trust I know I deserved was there. The aftermath of this could be brutal, I may lose a spot on some CTs as a result, but at this point I guess I have to take like a big girl and life will go on.
Never let anyone tell you hybrid is cheap, especially the number of projects I do in a month! I had a designer (a different one) that recognized this and would paypal me a nominal amount to take the bite out of the cost of supplies, that’s the way to do it IMO. Add the time to create a project, plus printing (ink and paper) plus time to assemble (cost of adhesives) then photographing the projects, (oh don’t forget the props) time spent processing those photos and then uploading to a zillion galleries (there’s got to be a better way to do the gallery thing I tell ya!) I see now why there are so few hybrid CT gals out there. Did I have to do all those projects? No not really, but I chose to, because I hate to say no to anyone or any challenge that comes my way. And I was honestly just whoring myself out to get attention hoping they’d buy my designs, for better or worse, and in turn burning myself out. So no one bought the designs and I got burnt out any way, yah me?
So I will pack up my sucky projects and concentrate on quality over quantity and hope this new direction doesn’t lead me to junctions where I have to traverse crossing those burnt bridges. What else can I do?
Thank you for listening to my ramblings, and my whining. Time to catch some z’s, get rid of this horrible migraine, process the bad news my Hubs finally dumped on me after holding in in for literally months and hopefully just rest.
Thank you again, and I’ll see ya’ll real soon, I hope!
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
New Release: Heart Felt
Hello Everyone! I’ve got to show off Melly’s latest adorable creation: Heart Felt!!
I can’t put into words how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE this kit!!! But I’m gonna try!! ;)
A sweet, lovey kit, full of pinks browns and creams. Perfect for Valentine's Day.
This gorgeous kit has everything I love, pink, pink, pink, flowers, hearts, candy hearts, greenery, ribbons, a killer alpha and of course Melly’s designs.
Kit contains 14 textured papers
(a mix of patterns & solids)
1 full alpha
(a-z, upper & lower case plus 0-9 and common symbols)
And as with all new releases, this one is one sale for a limited time,
get it now for only $3.50.Are you still there, or did you run to Melly’s store already?
Before you do let me show you what I made with this beauty.
Isn’t that the cutest little purse (even with out Melly’s super cute kit).
This little purse hybrid template is by WendyBird Designs over at Brownie Scraps.
That’s all I have for now, see you again soon!