I have so much to tell you about, I have a new kit releasing and a new hybrid challenge, complete with freebie card template, available over in the GingerScraps forum. More on that in a bit though.
(My apologies for a messy post, I usually use Live Writer, but it's not playing nice with Blogspot today, so I'm cobbling this together the old fashioned way!)
First the kit, to say this kit has been a labor of love is an understatement. I’ve been working on this kit so long, too long probably, but I had to get it just right. And I think I may have done it!
It was originally requested in the threads at GingerScraps. Did you know we have a Suggestion Box area, where you can post ideas for kits? We have a pretty good track record of filling requests, so many great ideas and designers to fill those wishes.
We’ve often tinkered with the idea of brewing our own beer, but haven’t put much effort forth, with Hubs working full time and going to school, there just hasn’t been the time, but the draw is still there.
And now Beer Fests and tasting have sprung up in our little northern town and the interest in checking out other’s brews is an easy “compromise” to brewing our own.

Personally, I love an Apricot Wheat beer brewed by our local brewhouse. Hubs drinks a much much darker brew, his latest fave is Cold Press Coffee Ale, again by a local brewhouse. Would you like a peek at all the goodies in this kit? There are quite a few.
The kit includes 101 elements (including the few recolors):

The “coasters” include both a new and “slightly” used version.

Journal cards (also with bleed versions) for pocket scrapbooking and journaling. Also, a 4x6 rate card, lightly textured for easy home printing.
Fifty beer variety word strips, all fifty words in both colors.

And not one, but two alphas!

Whoo! I wish I could tell you how much I love this kit! I’m actually pretty excited to use it. I may just have to get him started brewing that beer after all!
And the CT layouts, oh my goodness, the GingerBread Girls did an amazing job with my little ol’ kit.

Save 25% off through Dec 18th.
And last but not least, the freebie!
Available till the end of the month, a super quick starter for those Holiday cards you forgot to make. ;)
Just come on over to the forum and pick it up. We’d love to see what you made with it, to get points for fantastic collab kits designed especially for Challenge Participants. More info in the forum.
That’s all I have for this week. I should have a new hybrid release coming next week. So excited! (Boy, I’m pretty excitable aren’t I?)
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